Change background colors and images

This manual shows you how to change the background color, image and image position of your elements.

Background tab

Click on the icon of the category "background" (see figure on the right). A tab wil open this the options to adjust everything that has to do with the background of the selected element in your website.

Change the background color

Click on the element you want to edit. That element will then automatically light up. Then click on one of the colors. The background color is immediately applied.

The block at the top left with the red line through it removes the current background color.

Change or apply a background image

Click on the element that should get a background image. In the style tool on the right, you see a block with the title "Background Image". Here you see a gray block, with a cross in the top right, and a "Select" button at the bottom. Click on the select button, a pop-up will appear to select a file, or upload it.

When you have chosen an image, a small version of the image will appear in the gray block of the drawing tool. A few seconds later, the image will also appear as a background for the selected element.

To upload a new image, click "Select" again and simply uplaod a new image. To clear the background image, without selecting a replacement image, click on the cross in the upper right corner. The image will then disappear behind the element and from the styletool.

Set background position

The background image can be placed in 9 different positions:

  • In the upper left corner
  • In the middle at the top
  • In the upper right corner
  • Left in the middle
  • Centered in the middle
  • Right in the middle
  • In the lower left corner
  • In the middle at the bottom
  • In the lower right corner

In the image to the right are the 9 icons that correspond with these options (from left to right, from top to bottom). The background image is repositioned by clicking on the icon corresponding with the desired position.