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Module showRichContent

The showRichContent module accepts data containing (references to) html, javascript and css to add a rich content elements to the current page. The syntax van de data matches the output of the fetchPage module.


webanizr.send('showRichContent', data, parameters, callback);


The data can contain the following key-value pairs that will be used to build the rich content:

id__dom (required)

The html id of the DOM element in which the rich content will be placed. The content that is already in this element will be replaced.

body__document (optional)

The value for this key should be a DOM element containing de DOM element to be added.

urls__cssfiles (optional)

A list of urls to css files to be added to this page to create the correct design for the rich content.

urls__fonts (optional)

A list of urls to css font files to be added to this page to create the correct design for the rich content.


The showTemplate accepts the following parameters:

block__cssfiles (optional)

If set to true, no css files will be added, even if there are urls in the urls__ccsfiles section of the data.

block__fonts (optional)

If set to true, no font files will be added, even if there are urls in urls__fonts section of the data.


The callback is called with the original data.

