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module inlineFieldEdit

Last change: July 6, 2020

Current version: 1.3.1

This module creates a diagram or chart, using mermaid library.month.

webanizr.collect('inlineFieldEdit', parameters, callback);


The module accepts the following parameters:

query__selector (required)

The query selector to the elements that should be able to edit inline.

type__trigger (optional)

The trigger to convert the element to an inline edit form. You can use any event from domEvents. The default is dbclick (double click).

type__retreival (optional)

The method to get the current active value. Options are:

  • innertext: get the text from the element(s) targeted by query__selector

This parameter defaults to the option "innertext".

type__field (optional)

The type of field to use in the inline edit form. Supported options from buildForm are:

  • shorttext
  • select
  • radio
  • checkbox

This parameter defaults to the option "shorttext".

select__options (required then type__field is either select or radio)

The options for the select or radio. The format of this value should be compatible with the format buildForm uses for select__options.


The callback function that is called after the elements have been converted to inline editable elements.




  • July 6 2020, 1.3.1 - Updated dependency on buildForm to 1.49.2
  • June 10 2020, 1.3.0 - First fully stable version