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Module crudList

Last change: September 4, 2019

Current version: 1.3.1

The crudList module creates and controles lists with create, read, update and delete options.

webanizr.collect('crudList', parameters, callack);

webanizr.send('crudList', data, parameters, callack);



The crudList module accepts the following parameters:

id__list (required)

The dom id of the list.

id__template (required)

The dom id of the template used for displaying the list items

name__table (required when using the update-by-api or delete-by-api action in send)

The name of the table from which to collect the data.

type__table (optional whend using the update-by-api or delete-by-api action in send)

The type of the table from which to collect the data.

id__item (required by delete-by-api or delete-from-list)

The id of the item to delete



The crudList module accepts the following parameters:

type__action (required)

The type of action to perform. The following options are supported:

  • pre-render-template: pre-renders a template using mustache and the data given
  • update-by-api: uses the Webanizr headless api to update the list items
  • set-list: set the data as the current list of items
  • update-list: (re)render the list based on the available items in the list
  • delete-by-api: delete an item using the Webanizr headless api
  • delete-from-list: delete an item from the cache and from the screen

id__source (required by the pre-render-template action)

The id of the template to be pre-rendered

id__target (required by the pre-render-template action)

The id of the template to place the rendered template in.


The callback is called after the action is performed.


  • September 18, 2019: 1.3.1 - updated the requirement on sendToAPI to 1.2.0
  • September 4, 2019: 1.2.0 - added update-by-api, set-list and update-list as actions to crudList
  • September 4, 2019: 1.1.0 - added the collect method
  • September 4, 2019: 1.0.0 - added the pre-render-template action to send