Log in
Log in with USB
Inloggen met vingerafdruk wordt binnenkort mogelijk.
Last change: July 30, 2020
Current version: 1.3.1
The authentication checks whether the authentication tokens on the website are present for a specific usermode, and can process authentication data to the authentication api.
Future versions will support the use of two factor authentication.
webanizr.collect('authentication', parameters, callack); webanizr.send('authentication', data, parameters, callack);
The authentication module accepts the following parameters:
The action for collecting data. (currently supports 'get' and 'all')
The usermode to log in. One of website, cms or webanizr. (only required by action 'get')
The function to call with the token.
The data to send to the authentication api
The authentication module accepts the following parameters:
The usermode to log in. One of website, cms or webanizr.
The callback to call after the authentication result is processed.